In Pool Photo | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

On this lovely Valentine’s Day, I had yet to hear from the random bumble dude that I was supposed to go out with, having nothing to do with it being Valentine’s Day!  It was just my free night!  Ok, for obvious reasons, it was my free night.  I’m single and not in a relationship on this Valentine’s Day, but nevertheless, he never followed through despite us texting confirming that we would meet on Thursday.  This is very typical of dating apps.  You text, make a plan to meet, and the day before there is no confirmation, and the day of the date there is complete radio silence. 

On my way to work on this Valentine’s Day morning, as I’m walking on the street and looking down, I feel a presence.  I look up and see an ex of mine from 2015 who immediately saw me, and quickly turned to walk in the opposite direction. He was that worried about walking past me?! What does he care? He’s married with a baby!  I’m not going to lie to my loyal subscribers, it felt weird and disappointing to have this run in.  It was not necessarily the thing I needed, but maybe it was.  This ex told me we were exclusive while he secretly dated other people.  This ex told me I was special and different while he then broke up with me telling me he wasn’t excited anymore.  This was a sign.  It was a sign to know my worth and what I value.  I want a man that has realistic expectations of relationships.  I want a man that is honest and committed without trying to see what else is better on the other side.  I want a real man.  And this guy, well, he is no real man.

On this Valentine’s Day, I’m thankful for my girlfriends.  As I sit here in a house we rented in the Catskills, I am surrounded by beautiful, intelligent, successful, fun, and thoughtful women.  They bring me life.  We love each other in a real, deep way and hear each other out.  We let each other vent, cry, and certainly celebrate.  The other day, I picked up my mail to have a surprise card sent to me from my best friend.  It brought me to tears.  I came to the Catskills and got hot chocolate and a card from another best friend. Friendship love is everything. We are there for each other through it all.  I know that we will be laughing and crying at each others’ weddings.  We are each other’s loves.  While we can’t fill the role of lover, boyfriend, or husband, we definitely give each other that real love. And that my friends, is what I will be forever grateful for.  I have amazing women in my life and we are in this together.  And the world is ours for the taking. 

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