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I cannot remember a time that I have dated like this.  I actually am going on multiple dates per week with multiple different guys.  I am dating more than one person at once!  

So many people think that the winter is cuffing season (i.e. relationship season) and the summer is just for fun with no commitment.  That’s actually the opposite for me.  Almost all of my relationships have started in warmer weather. I’m healthy and totally healed – mentally, physically , and emotionally.  So now it’s dating season!  

I’ve definitely dated a lot in different periods in my life, but whenever I start going on multiple dates with one person, I’m not usually trying to fit any other dates also.  Then before I can even blink, I’m in a relationship (short and long-term) without really realizing how it happened so quickly. I mean, I’ve even had guys think we’re in a relationship after two dates.  This is probably something that I need to remember is not the way to go. Now, it feels so much better to be able to explore and learn about a few different men to see if any of them are truly the right fit. 

Apparently, according to relationship experts, everyone in New York dates multiple people at once and this is the best way to find the right partner. (Are these really experts?! I don’t know!) Apparently even one “expert” believes that when men know you are dating multiple people at once, it validates their interest in you and make them want to pursue even more.  It kind of makes sense! So I’m going to enjoy this time, date multiple guys while wearing summer dresses, and once I’m committed to someone, I’ll let all the rest fall aside. Tis the dating season!

P.S. Here’s a summer dress that I love wear!

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