Dating App Blog Post | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

Dating apps are a phenomenon that is unique to our generation. It feels like people don’t really know how to navigate them and can get too comfortable or very awkward.  Remember that you haven’t met in real life yet! For all you know, it’s a Russian bot! So here’s a bit advice for those dudes sitting behind the dating app thinking they actually know what they’re doing.

5 easy ways to make a woman lose interest before you even meet:

  1. Text her multiple times a day checking in (with nothing to actually say!).

    You haven’t met each other yet, you do not know each other, you are not dating!

  2. Ask her if she wants to see the cutest thing ever, and then send a photo of your niece.

    Again, you haven’t met each other yet….am i the only woman that doesn’t give a fuck?! Please, I do not need photos of your family!

  3. Complain about work….in numerous texts. 

    Not super attractive to women especially when you have yet to ask her about her work and life.  Hold off on the complaining! Also, save some conversation for the actual date. Again, you haven’t met each other yet!

  4. Text her but then when she texts back, don’t respond until at least 24-36 hours later.

    What a way to show that you are not reliable, dependable, or just simply responsive in a normal time frame. while again, you haven’t met each other yet, it is actually a huge sign that you are all over the place and probably going on 50 dates a week.

  5. Be unwilling to meet in a location convenient for her and give her shit about her neighborhood.

    When a woman gives you a hint and says “I live in this neighborhood and work in this neighborhood so let me know where you want to meet”, she is trying to tell you that she would like you to pick a place that is convenient for her.  I know I know, you haven’t met in real life and why should the man have to travel to where the woman is ?! Well, this is part of dating!  Get over it!  Just like women have gotten over how much time and money we spend to look the way we do, you can get over the time you may spend on the subway to get to where a lovely lady lives. When you say no and then give her shit about the upper west side (who, me?!), it is truly unbecoming.  That’s my signal to stop responding to you because again, we haven’t met each other yet, so I don’t care! BYEEEEEE!

At the end of the day, doesn’t it just come down chemistry? Don’t we all love that witty banter in texts?! Have some patience dudes! Meet the lady in person, see if you have chemistry and attraction in real life, and then woo her with your funny and intriguing texts.  Until then, just make a plan for grabbing that drink and let her live her life.  Who knows, maybe you will both even meet someone in real life in 2019?! Crazier things have happened!

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