Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to do EVERYTHING?!  I find that most of the people I know are running from work, to family, to friends, to improv class, to an open mic, to do errands, and so on and so on! Why do we constantly feel guilty if we just can’t do it?!  Is it just me or do we really need to stop it now?! I’m learning how to allow myself to a take break so I don’t completely burn out. 

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temp logos | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

I love Instagram.  I was super late to the party, but now I’m all in and I’m never leaving!  Here are some my favorite people to follow on Instagram:

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ll home c6 | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

As a single, 35-year old, it’s frustrating to continuously see false hopes and happy endings in Hollywood.  We literally sit and watch a show where the shitty guy suddenly sees how amazing the woman is and how bad he’s been treating her. Voila! He now becomes a good guy!  All of a sudden, he decides to commit and treat her right. Oh, and he apologizes too! Well, that does NOT happen in real life and I’m tired of seeing it onscreen.

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ll home c4.1 | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

In 2019, with instant communication and instant gratification, I’m witnessing the demise of actual standards in dating.  We all have our own personal beliefs, values, standards and even maybe a set of rules when it comes to dating.  I know mine may differ from yours, but what I want to emphasize here is that we should all know our worth. We are beautiful, smart, successful, funny, and, more than anything, worthy and should not accept the unacceptable.  

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Instagram 3 | Danit Sibs is a female stand-up comedian based out of New York City

I love hearing men complain about the costs of dating in NYC.  Yes, they should take care of the first few dates and really take a woman out.  Yes, that may cost a pretty penny, but let’s stop with the complaining.  Here are the costs of female upkeep to look the way we do for a date:

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